Today, society is brimming with opportunities for professionals to advertise their practice. In that way, consumers are exposed to a variety of options. Competition keeps prices affordable for anyone in need of a service and knowledge is readily available concerning professional organizations. It is hard to imagine a time, therefore, when lawyers, doctors, accountants, architects, and other professionals were not allowed to advertise their services. However, just forty years ago, when the law firm of Jacoby & Meyers in California began practice, they were unable to advertise. They believed that the lack of advertisement fostered artificially high prices for legal services and a lack of knowledge among members of the public. As a result, the law firm was one of the most influential in obtaining the national right to advertise.
The history of Jacoby & Meyers is filled with honorable accomplishments. As a law firm, they have been influential in obtaining many important rights for the legal profession. If you are interested in the major accomplishments of the firm, visit their “about Jacoby & Meyers” web page.