The American Society of Law, Medicine & Ethics (ASLME) is an association dedicated to improving legal, medical, and ethical issues in the United States. The official mission of ASLME is to provide high-quality scholarship, debate, and critical thought to the community of professionals at the nexus of law, medicine, and ethics. For over three decades the association has been working to fulfill its mission.
ASLME’s membership is comprised of mainly attorneys, physicians, nurses, ethicists, educators, allied health professionals, hospital and public administrators, risk managers, pharmacists, social workers, and students. Members of the general public are often invited to join in debate. Many diverse viewpoints are heard by the society. All decisions are based on the views of every person involved in the discussion.
The society has an honorable history. It began organizing conferences aimed at audiences throughout the United States in the mid 1970s. To date, ASLME has sponsored over 100 national multidisciplinary conferences. Today, ASLME hosts four to six conferences yearly throughout the United States. Legal professionals and those interested in health and ethics attend the meetings. Information is presented and useful discussions occur. All members of ASLME nationwide are invited to attend these conferences.
ASLME provides several resources for its members. The Elliot L. and Annette Y. Sagall Library of Law, Medicine and Health Care serves as an educational repository of books and journals. The Health Law Teachers Section was established in the early 1980s in recognition of the need for a national resource for teachers of health law courses in schools of law, medicine, nursing, public health, and health administration. This section of ASLME is a vital connection among teaching professionals across the country and Canada in providing opportunity for the exchange of ideas, classroom materials, and curriculum.