The American Society for Pharmacy Law (ASPL) represents an alliance between Pharmacists, Attorneys, Pharmacist-Attorneys, and students of pharmacy or law that share a common interest in the area of pharmaceutical law. In the broader field of personal injury law, pharmaceutical law is an important division. Together, members of the society work in an effort to further legal knowledge. Communication of accurate legal information to attorneys and pharmacists is a major goal of the society. To foster knowledge and education pertaining to the rights and duties of pharmacists, the society distributes information of interest to the membership via newsletters and other publications. Most importantly perhaps, the society provides forums for networking and the exchange of information pertaining to pharmacy law. Every year, many meetings and seminars are sponsored by the organization. Written communications allow for the exchange of information between meetings.
ASPL is governed by a set of Bylaws. A Board of Directors is elected from the membership of the Society. It is made up of the elected officers (President, President-Elect, Treasurer, and the Immediate Past President) and four Directors at Large. The Nominations Committee solicits nominations for officer and director positions in the fall of each year and a ballot election is held prior the Annual Meeting in the spring. A management firm located in Springfield, Illinois manages the administrative affairs of the Society.
Because of the strong bonds created by membership in the American Society for Pharmacy law, legal professionals and pharmacists are able to work together to further the important field of pharmaceutical law. All members of the organization are respectable members of society with a passion for the public good. Visit the ASPL website for detailed information about pharmaceutical law.