Mesothelioma is a cancer of the lining of the lung, fatal in 100% of known cases. The one and only thing that can cause mesothelioma is asbestos poisoning. This not only affects workers who come in close contact with asbestos, but also can be passed to their families with ease. Asbestos residue in clothing can be passed to an individual doing the laundry, or perhaps through the furniture.
A bill currently pending in congress (S. 852) aims to force asbestos victims into an untested national trust fund bureaucracy, under funded by about $40 billion. It has been concluded that the asbestos bill is not only incredibly unfair to workers and their families, but also to veterans of war. Thousands of veterans throughout the nation do not support the bill.
The big problems with the bill are that the trust fund could cause up to a nine year wait, which would be too late for many asbestos victims. It also takes away the victims right to present their case in front of a jury, something which many groups find to be unconstitutional. The bill is especially unconstitutional to veterans because many with asbestos related diseases will not qualify for compensation at all, and very few are likely to meet the five and ten year cumulative exposure requirements because they have not been in the service long enough to qualify. Basically, there are people who could be sitting around with a fatal lung cancer and nothing they can do about it to take care of fees.
In danger of mesothelioma or asbestos poisoning? Contact a mesothelioma lawyer or an asbestos attorney!