A recent study published in the Journal of Emergency Nursing indicates that a blood screening, called an S-100B blood test, may be a safe and viable alternative to a CT scan for individuals who have suffered a brain injury. This blood test can be used to evaluate the severity of a brain injury and determine whether or not the blood-brain barrier (BBB) is functioning properly.
The blood-brain barrier acts as an entryway between brain tissue and peripheral circulation. After a brain injury, the BBB frequently will not function properly, which could limit the effectiveness of medication treating the brain.
After a brain injury, S-100B serum protein biomarker levels rise drastically. If the S-100B blood test is administered within four hours of a brain injury, it can accurately identify any abnormalities in the brain, including hemorrhages and skull fractures. This can lead to a significant improvement in brain injury detection, since CT scans appear normal in 95% of mild brain injury patients.
Brain injuries often result in serious health consequences that may severely impact the quality of your life. It is important to consult an experienced brain injury lawyer to find out if you are eligible to receive compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, and reduced quality of life.
If you have suffered a brain injury in the Orlando, Florida area, please contact the Law Offices of Michael Barszcz, M.D., J.D. today to schedule a consultation.