In the wake of increasing nursing home abuse and neglect claims, a bipartisan group of California legislators has introduced a host of bills aimed at addressing the problem. The bills focus on myriad issues such as increasing the public’s access to complaints filed against a home, quadrupling the number of training hours required for care givers, improving annual inspections of assisted-living facilities, and making financial penalties for infractions more severe.
The steps being taken in California have been prompted by the deaths and serious injury of multiple nursing home residents. While these new bills have noble aims, their timing is late and victims of previous abuses may still be denied the justice they deserve.
Know Your Rights
When a loved one is injured, neglected, or otherwise mistreated in their care facility, you have a right to take action on your own. New laws are a step in the right direction, but without the help of a nursing home abuse attorney, your family may never get the justice they are due.
Hiring an attorney is the best way to protect your loved one and see that dignity is restored. Please contact an experienced nursing home abuse attorney today to learn more about your rights.