Carl was an honest, hard-working man, living and striving to maintain a happy family. Sacrificing a college experience to work two jobs in support of a family, he proved trustworthy to friends and invaluable to family. Besides his job as at a camera shop, he worked at a metal fabricating plant. Carl knew well the dangers of working with the hot molten metal and kept very close attention to keeping himself out of harm so as to be a constant source for his children, but he couldn’t be aware of a more insidious foe: asbestos. Although companies were well aware of the dangers of the toxic material, they hid the information at the time so as to keep up a steady profit. Workers such as Carl were hindered by this deception.
Carl was recently diagnosed with mesothelioma, a rare type of lung cancer, as a result of working near the asbestos for 45 years. Carl had held strong for those many years, working from 9 am to 5 pm at the camera shop, and then from 7 pm to 4 am at the metal fabricating plant, only sleeping three hours a night. His wife, Jean, is shocked and horrified at the sudden appearance of cancer, caused from such a devious carcinogen. His family waits as his last six months of life toll away.
Don’t let yourself be a victim of mesothelioma due to manipulative asbestos industries. Find out more information today. If you or someone you know has been injured due to asbestos poisoning, please feel free to contact a personal injury lawyer such as Weeks, Kavanagh & Rendeiro of New Orleans, Louisiana.