A jury decided that the death of a Boca Raton woman in childbirth in 2003 was “unpredictable” and “unpreventable,” and not the product of medical negligence, as a lawsuit charged.
Although the woman was previously healthy, she was forced to have an emergency Caesarean when her water broke a month early and her baby was in the breach position. Attorneys for the plaintiff charged that the woman suffered wrongful death as a result of anesthesia-related complications, while the defense asserted that the woman died as a result of amniotic fluid embolism, a severe allergic reaction to fetal fluids in her blood.
Upon hearing the jury’s verdict, the attorney for the plaintiff gave a revealing sour grapes statement: “They bought into the fiction of [amniotic fluid embolism]. I don’t believe there is such a thing.” However, amniotic fluid embolism is a well-documented medical condition with a high mortality rate. It is important for lawyers, even personal injury lawyers, to remember that despite their experience they are not doctors.
If you or a loved one has suffered as a result of medical negligence, get in touch with an experienced personal injury lawyer who knows the limits of his knowledge and will bring trusted medical experts in on your case. Contact the law firm of Barry G. Doyle, P.C, today for a complimentary evaluation of your case.