A Massachusetts teenager went missing last Tuesday under unusual circumstances. Investigators believe his disappearance is a direct result of a concussion he suffered over a year ago while playing high school football. New policies governing high school sports require players to be removed from a game on a much stricter basis – they must be examined by a specialist and benched if they show even mild signs of dizziness. If the staff does not adhere to this policy, they can be held responsible for negligence.
The Wrentham Police Department stated that the teen was negative for drug abuse and alcohol, further lending weight to the theory that his disappearance is related to his traumatic brain injury. The injury has already caused him to black-out twice at school. Specialists say that elements of stress, a change in circumstances, and a change in medication can all trigger a relapse.
The boy finally re-appeared on a doorstep in Dedham stating that he had been kidnapped. He seemed disoriented and didn’t have shoes on, but otherwise appeared unharmed. He was confused and did not recall exactly what happened during the two days he was missing.
If your child suffered a brain injury while playing high school sports and they were not sufficiently examined or taken out of active play for safety, you may be entitled to compensation. Contact an experienced brain injury lawyer in your area today to see if you have a case.