For the past five months, state police have been investigating a major truck accident that occurred over the summer in Junius Ponds, New York. The accident involved a commercial truck and a tour bus on eastbound I-90. When the two vehicles collided, the truck driver was killed and thirty of the bus’s passengers were injured – two critically.
The details of the police report are finally being released. According to a State Police Investigator, authorities now believe that the primary contributing factor to the truck-bus accident was the truck driver’s inattention, or incapacity. They believe he might have fallen asleep at the wheel.
However, the police believe that mechanical problems with the bus were also a factor in the collision. The bus driver was experiencing problems with the bus’s transmission that prevented him from being able to shift into a higher gear and get up to speed on the highway.
If you have been seriously injured in a New York truck accident or bus accident because of another party’s negligence, make sure you receive the compensation you need to make a full recovery. Contact experienced New York truck accident lawyer Charles N. Rock, PLLC today for a free initial consultation.