In 2009, a six-year-old child from North Texas suffered a traumatic brain injury in a car accident. His family’s car was struck by a drunk driver who had received over 20 drinks at a Dallas Applebee’s before getting out on the road and later causing the car accident. The family has finally reached a settlement in the case that allows them to provide for their young son’s future care and other needs.
During a preliminary investigation, the family’s lawyer uncovered a receipt that showed that the driver had been served 23 drinks in less than 2 hours at Applebee’s. A later police investigation confirmed that the man’s BAC (Blood Alcohol Content) level was three times higher than the legal limit. Additionally, the man had six drunk driving convictions in two different states before the car accident occurred.
All four members of the family were hurt in the car accident, but the boy, who was only two years old at the time, suffered the most severe consequences. The financial burden of his brain injury prompted his parents to file a lawsuit, seeking compensation for lost income, medical expenses, emotional trauma, and mental anguish.
If your loved one has suffered a serious brain injury because of another person’s negligence or recklessness in the North Texas area, please contact Polewski & Associates today to schedule a free case evaluation with an experienced Dallas brain injury lawyer.