The auto club AAA recently analyzed the financial damage of traffic accidents in 99 different urban areas, in comparison to the financial cost of traffic congestion. The report concluded that the cost of car accidents is more than three times the amount of congestion: a full $299.5 billion, compared to $97.7 billion for congestion. This puts the average cost of a fatal car accident at around $6 million.
These costs have risen sharply since 2005, which was the last time AAA did a similar study. At that point, the average cost of a car accident fatality was $3.24 million. AAA hopes their study will push road safety back to the forefront of the national debate regarding transportation priorities, as Congress is currently considering a long-term funding bill for national highways.
AAA has made recommendations to reduce the financial cost of car accidents. Among them is a suggestion to invest more in proven safety measures, such as modernized roundabouts, rumble strips, and cable barriers along medians that would prevent crossover accidents.
If you have been seriously injured, or if your loved one has been killed in a car accident due to someone else’s negligence, make sure you are getting the compensation you deserve. Contact an experienced car accident lawyer in your area today using the Personal Injury Lawyer Directory.