On February 13, 2006 the FDA requested a recall of all brands and sizes of Cytosol’s Balanced Salt Solution (BSS). The drug has been used for years to irrigate a patient’s eyes, ears, nose and/or throat during various surgical procedures, including cataract surgery. The recall is due to the discovery of elevated levels of endotoxin in the product, which can cause serious reactions such as shock, fever, and changes in blood pressure. Contaminants such as endotoxin have been known to cause irreversible eye conditions such as Toxic Anterior Segment Syndrome, in which an inflammatory reaction occurs in the anterior segment of the eye. The FDA has recieved over 300 injury complaints from patients who were given BSS. FDA instructs hospitals, physicians, and consumers to immediately stop using BSS, and to eliminate any existing stores of the drug.
If you or a loved one has been hurt by this or similar defective products, try consulting a personal injury lawyer.