Headway is the personal injury association dedicated to providing information for and about brain injuries. It is a registered charity in Great Britain. The aims of Headway are to promote understanding of all aspects of head injury and to provide information, support, and services to people who have suffered a head injury. Since 1979, the organization has increased from one steering committee to over 100 groups and branches throughout the UK.
Encouragement is provided to families of those with brain injuries. People with brain injuries and those who care for them can meet others in similar situations. They can share experiences, get information on local services, and benefit from mutual understanding and support.
Headway’s website is filled with information about Traumatic Brain Injuries. Special articles about the brain, Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), children’s TBI, prevention and safety, rehabilitation, and family reaction to TBI are featured on the site. Information about personal injury lawsuits that may be filed in order to claim compensation after a Head Injury is also available. If you know someone with a brain injury or if you wish to learn about TBI, this site is an excellent resource.