A unique protection, granted to no other industry in America, was given when a bill was ratified on October 20th of this year. All gun industries and retailers are now shielded from civil lawsuits given by victims of gun abuse. While this is all well and good for the NRA, who declared the bill a “historic victory”, it is sure to cause trouble for the innocent and gun-free people at home. This means that people who are not legally allowed to own guns will find it much easier to buy them. With lethal weapons potentially in the hands of irresponsible citizens, it seems unfair that no justice can be served against those responsible for giving them weapons.
The bill was passed after the argument was presented that guns helped protect the victims of hurricane Katrina when the police couldn’t be there. The corruption, thievery and violence ran to chaos after the disastrous hurricane, truly; perhaps owning a gun was an advantage then, in an extreme condition. Perhaps now, in calmer times and climes, gun industry protection will only lead to chaos itself. Already a case has been filed where someone paid a retarded man to buy a 12-guage shotgun, later used to kill a sheriff’s department investigator. The widow, suing the seller of the gun, faces a grim forecast.