In Japan, many people are injured because of the negligence, recklessness, or intentional misconduct of an individual or company. These people have the opportunity to file a personal injury lawsuit with the help of a lawyer. Unfortunately, not all people that call themselves lawyers are reputable or able to properly launch a lawsuit. Membership in the Japan Federation of Bar Associations is the reassurance needed to insure that an individual is qualified to present a court case in front of Japanese courts.
The Japan Federation of Bar Associations is an important alliance between members of Japan’s legal community. A main focus of the federation is human rights. The Federation researches and studies all categories of human rights. In a case where human rights have been infringed, the Federation is influential in administering the punishment to the guilty party. Additionally, the Federation makes proposals for the establishment of legal systems, enactment of laws, and legal reform.
Since its foundation in 1876, the Federation has undergone many changes to insure that it is best suited to represent the legal profession. Currently the Federation is made up of six different membership levels. Local bar associations, practicing attorneys in Japan, special members in Okinawa, quasi-members, legal profession corporations, and foreign special members all have the opportunity to join the Japan Federation of Bar Associations. The Federation is a member of the International Bar Association.