The Supreme Judicial Court of Maine created the Maine Board of Overseers of the Bar in 1978 to govern the conduct of lawyers as officers of the Court. The Board consists of six lawyers and three public members. The Court appoints the lawyers, and the public members are appointed by the Court on recommendations by the Governor.
The Board regulates the conduct of lawyers by enforcing the Maine Bar Rules adopted by the Court. The purpose of the Bar Rules is provide appropriate standards for attorneys with respect to their practice of the profession of law, including, but not limited to their relationship with their clients, the general public, other members of the legal profession, the courts and other agencies of this State.
Under the Bar Rules, the Board appoints Bar Counsel who investigates alleged misconduct by lawyers and, when authorized to do so by a reviewing panel of the Grievance Commission, litigates grievance complaints at public disciplinary proceedings. The Board also maintains a register of all lawyers who are members of the Bar of the State of Maine as well as records of the termination or suspension of the right of any lawyer to practice law in Maine.