The first step to preventing truck and automobile accidents is to be aware of the dangers at hand. We may think that truck drivers are at fault for accidents due to the impossible task of handling their rig safely, but in reality there are many things the average driver can do to prevent truck and automobile accidents.
A few of which being:
- Be aware of the trucker’s blind spots. It is very difficult for a trucker to keep all the cars around him in sight, so it’s important to give any large truck space.
- Be careful not to cut off a truck. It might seem normal to get in front of the average vehicle to make a necessary turn, but trucks take as much as three times the amount of time needed to slow down as a normal car. Many accidents have been caused where a car cuts off a truck, and the truck is unable to slow down in time.
- Be patient when a truck is reversing. It might seem like a strain, but it’s always a better idea to let a truck finish reversing, even if it needs to take multiple attempts.