Last week, a 25-year-old Californian man was involved in a single-vehicle car accident, but only his damaged pick-up truck was ever found. There was no sign of the driver at the scene of the accident. His family reported him missing after he failed to turn up for a funeral. As it turns out, he was lying unconscious off the side of the highway where his truck had been towed.
Both the tow truck driver and witnesses insist that they didn’t see any sign of the driver at the scene of the accident, causing him to be left for a week without any water or food. The area where the man was eventually found was secluded by shade and completely blocked from view on all sides.
The man was alive when local detectives finally found him on Tuesday. The fact that he survived for seven full days without food or water has been called miraculous. However, as of Wednesday, the man was still in critical condition.
If you or one of your loved ones has been seriously injured in a car accident caused by someone else’s negligence or recklessness, please contact Jacoby & Meyers, LLC today to schedule a free case evaluation with an experienced car accident attorney.