There are many victims of crime that are unaware of their ability to pursue civil lawsuits. Any Crime Victim may be able to file a civil lawsuit against a perpetrator or other responsible party. Regardless of the outcome of the criminal prosecution, or even if there was no prosecution, crime victims can file civil lawsuits against offenders and other responsible parties. The National Crime Victim Bar Association increases general awareness about the availability of civil remedies for victims of crime. The Association also provides technical support to attorneys representing crime victims in civil suits and refers crime victims to lawyers in their local area.
The Association encourages continued education for lawyers, and therefore sponsors many conferences every year. These conferences are a valuable resource for lawyers who represent crime victims. Legal professionals from all over the United States meet to share experiences and improve education of every legal professional to guarantee that every crime victim gets the best representation possible for their civil lawsuit.
The National Crime Victim Bar Association provides many services to its members. A searchable civil justice database provides the details of over 11,000 victim litigation cases. A monthly journal reports on important civil litigation issues. On-line continuing legal education is also available to members. If you or someone you know is a victim of a crime or tort that can destroy your life, the National Crime Victim Bar Association has resources to help you and your lawyer present the most effective civil case possible.