We have all heard it. All too common is the story of insanely large medical malpractice settlements causing insurance premiums to skyrocket for doctors. Politicians commonly cite tort law as a reason for high medical costs and problems with the American healthcare system.
With all of the hype surrounding large tort claims, one would imagine that there has recently been a large increase in the size of medical malpractice settlements. Surprisingly, new research published in the latest issue of Journal of Empirical Legal Studies examines Texas medical malpractice claims and finds no tort crisis. Instead, the study’s authors find that, over a 15-year period, the system was largely stable and generated few significant changes in claim frequencies, payments, or jury verdicts.
Why, then, is there so much propaganda surrounding medical malpractice cases? Your guess is as good as mine. One thing is for certain, however. If a doctor has unjustly injured you or someone you love, you deserve compensation. Consider contacting Bush Lewis, PLLC in the Beaumont-Port Arthur area of Texas. They could be the perfect law firm to handle your medical malpractice case.