Across the United States, and especially in agricultural states such as Florida, thousands of people are employed in nurseries that use pesticides. New research is showing that this job may be even more dangerous then previously thought. Two and a half years ago Mario Chavez, an employee of a nursery that uses pesticides, suffered a stroke caused by over-exposure to dangerous chemicals. He wasn’t provided with gloves or a mask to protect him.
In addition, his youngest daughter was born without the lower half of her right arm. Mario and his wife (who was also a nursery employee) are convinced that the birth defect is a result of the pesticides. Luckily, an investigation is being launched to uncover the truth about pesticide use in Florida. Personal injury lawyers are currently representing Mario, his wife, and his daughter to get them the compensation they deserve for their unnecessary injuries.
If you or someone you know has been exposed to toxic chemicals, like pesticides, you may have a personal injury case. A qualified personal injury attorney is best able to represent your case and get you the reparation that you are entitled to. In Florida, Wooten, Honeywell, Kimbrough, Gibson, Doherty & Normand, P.A. is a practiced law firm ready to represent your case.