Accidents cause by red light running are incredibly common and so preventable. Except in the case of malfunctioning traffic signals, running a red light is a choice. It is a very dangerous and reckless choice that puts the driver and everyone else at risk. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), in 2018, 139,000 people were injured in red light running accidents and 846 were killed. Of those killed, about half were not in the vehicle that ran the light. They were occupants of other vehicles, bicyclists and pedestrians. If you were hurt by a red light runner, talk to an experienced car crash attorney today.
Red Lights and T-Bone Accidents
When it comes to vehicle-to-vehicle collisions caused by red light running, T-bone crashes are the most common. They are also more likely to cause serious injuries than front-end or rear-end collisions because the side of the vehicle just doesn’t provide as much protection as the engine compartment, trunk or truck bed. Seatbelts and airbags offer little protection these types of accidents. And, victims are often pinned inside the vehicle leading to long delays in getting life-saving medical attention.
The oncoming vehicle can actually penetrate the vehicle it hits, directly striking and crushing victims inside.
Common T-bone accident injuries include:
- Crush injuries
- Amputation
- Organ damage on the side of impact
- Brain injuries
- Spine fracture in the neck
- Back injuries
- Spinal cord injuries
- Facial injuries
- Ear injuries and hearing loss
- Eye injuries and vision loss, often due to shattered and flying glass
- Leg, hip, and pelvic injuries
- Arm and shoulder injuries
- Severe lacerations
Protecting Yourself from Red Light Runners
Sadly, you have to be on the lookout for red light runners. Some things that can help you avoid a red light accident include:
- Be aware of any road conditions that could make it difficult for other drivers to stop
- Wait a second after the light turns green, looking for those who are going to barrel through anyway.
- If you don’t see any cars at the intersection, look farther down the road to make sure no one is barreling toward it.
If you have been injured in a red light crash search our directory for an experienced injury lawyer in your state.