A driver traveling the wrong way on I-75 in Detroit collided with a car that was carrying five students between the ages of 19 and 21. The head-on collision killed three of the students, as well as the other driver – a 69-year-old woman. Police saw the car traveling the wrong direction on the four-lane highway and quickly pulled a U-turn in an attempt to stop them, but the officer was not able to catch up with the driver in time before the car accident occurred.
Two of the five students in the car survived the crash. A total of sixteen students had been traveling together in three separate cars to Detroit airport, intending to spend Spring Break in the Dominican Republic. The first two cars had successfully swerved to avoid the wrong-way driver, but the third was not able to do the same. After a preliminary investigation, officers do not believe they could have done anything to avoid the crash.
When a driver’s reckless, negligent behavior leads to the injury or death of another, they can and should be held accountable. If your loved one has been killed in a car accident, no amount of money will help you cope with their death – but a wrongful death lawsuit can provide your family with the resources you need to recover from the the tangible losses associated with your loved one’s passing.
To find out if you have a valid car accident injury claim (or wrongful death lawsuit), please contact Jay Trucks & Associates, PC today to schedule a consultation with an experienced Michigan car accident attorney.