Imagine losing the love of your life to a disease that could have been prevented. Although it may sound like a horror story, it happened to the wife of Glen Strong. The oyster fisherman died of a rare blood cancer, multiple myeloma. The cause of the disease was chemicals from a DuPont DeLisle Factory.
Luckily, his wife was able to launch a successful personal injury lawsuit that ended with a settlement of 14 million dollars. Glen Strong’s wife received $1.5 million for her loss of “love and companionship”. Unfortunately, the money can never replace what she has lost. Yet, the 1,996 lawsuits that are filed against the unsafe factory may insure that no more chemicals from the factory remove the “love and companionship” of anyone else.
If you or someone you know has been injured by the negligence of others, take action now and launch a personal injury lawsuit. While your settlement can never fully replace what you lost, it can expose an unsafe practice and put an end to it. You could help save lives.