The United States Department of Defense (DoD) is the federal department that is responsible for the safety of the United States. Many consider the department America’s oldest company, largest company, busiest company, and most successful company.
The Army, Navy, and Marine Corps were established in 1775, in concurrence with the American Revolution. The War Department was established in 1789, and was the precursor to what is now the Department of Defense. The Department of the Navy, and the U.S. Coast Guard, were founded in 1798. Congress, in 1947, established a civilian, Cabinet-level Secretary of Defense to oversee an also newly created National Military Establishment. Finally, in 1949, an amendment consolidated further the national defense structure, creating what we now know as the Department of Defense, and withdrawing cabinet-level status for the three Service secretaries.
With approximately one-point-four million men and women on active duty, and about six hundred fifty-four thousand civilian personnel, the Department of Defense is the nation’s largest employer. Another one-point-two million serve in the National Guard and Reserve forces. About two million military retirees and military family members receive benefits from the DoD.