Now, more than ever, you may find yourself rushing to post about your accident or injury on social media, or just to post about anything. You can’t go see your friends and family. You’re not running into the people you know getting out and about. You want to let everyone know how you’re doing and to connect. But you need to hold back. If you are pursuing an injury claim, your social media posts will be used against you, no matter how innocent they may seem. Talk to an experienced personal injury attorney to learn more about how to protect your claim.
The Other Side Will Use Your Posts Against You
The defense is looking everywhere they can for evidence to use against you. That includes evidence that you were to blame for your injuries and evidence that you are not as seriously hurt as you claim you are.
Social media has long been something to avoid when you are involved in a personal injury case. Now, it is the big vein in the goldmine of evidence. Everyone is reaching out, posting more than ever, and let’s face it, in this spirit of trying to be “in this together”, the posts are often way too personal and revealing.
What Are They Looking For?
There are some obvious no-no’s, like saying you think you might have been to blame for your accident or boasting about how much you bench-pressed today. We’re guessing you already knew better than to post that kind of stuff.
Where they get you is on the things you would never think could be used against you. The things you think are safe to post. Photos of you holding your child. Pictures of your family, or your dog, even if you aren’t in the photo. It sounds crazy, but these things will be twisted and used against you. Used as evidence that you are still able to be a part of things and have not suffered disabilities or a diminished quality of life.
Your injury attorney can help guide you so that you do not
do things that will put your claim at risk. Search our
directory to find an experienced injury lawyer in your state.